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国民收入与自我报告喘息和哮喘诊断的关系—— 世界健康调查报告分析


   2002年到2003年世界卫生组织(WHO)使用标准化的调查设备在全球范围进行了世界健康调查(World Health Survey, WHS),广泛收集各国健康和医疗支出相关的基础资料。为了评价国民收入对各国呼吸系统症状和诊断情况的影响,Sembajwe等对WHS数据中自我报告喘息和医生诊断哮喘的模式进行研究,比较不同国家在疾病报告形式方面的差异。

                                (韩伟 青岛大学附属青岛市立医院东院 266071 摘译)
                                             (Eur Respir J 2010; 35:279-286)
National income, self-reported wheezing and asthma diagnosis from the World Health Survey
G., M. Cifuentes, S. W. Tak, et al. Dept of Work Environment, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA.
Keywords: Asthma, income inequality, prevalence, wheezing, World Health Survey
The aims of this study were to quantify and describe the variations in respiratory symptoms and diagnosis prevalence across regions of the world according to national income. In 2002 and 2003, the World Health Organization implemented the World Health Survey (WHS), which used a standardised survey instrument to compile comprehensive baseline information on health and healthcare expenditure. We analysed the WHS data to assess the global patterns of self-reported wheeze and doctor-diagnosed asthma, two commonly reported measures of respiratory health.
In total there were 308,218 participants with complete records, from 64 countries. The weighted mean age of the survey population was 43 yrs. Global prevalence of current wheezing symptoms ranged from 2.4% in Vietnam to 24% in Brazil; the prevalence of diagnosed asthma ranged from 1.8% in Vietnam to 32.8% in Australia. Overall, the prevalence of symptoms and diagnosis showed a U-shaped pattern with the largest prevalence reported in low- and high-income countries. The smallest prevalence was consistently found in middle-income countries.
These WHS analyses have provided global prevalence estimates of wheeze and doctor-diagnosed asthma using data gathered simultaneously and consistently across six continents. These findings support the need for continued global respiratory illness surveillance for disease prevention, health policy and management.

上一篇: 父母职业是儿童喘息和哮喘的危险因素
下一篇: 1974~2004年间丹麦青年自我报告哮喘患病率和严重度
