

       《胸部疾病杂志》是广州呼吸疾病研究所和广州国家呼吸疾病重点实验室的官方出版物,是国内胸部疾病领域唯一的英文国际性刊物。广州呼吸疾病研究所所长、呼吸疾病国家重点实验室主任钟南山院士担任总编辑,广州医学院第一附属医院院长何建行教授及广州呼吸疾病研究所所长陈荣昌教授担任副主编。正式创刊于2009 年12 月。在钟院士、院所领导的大力支持下,编辑部主任曾广翘带领团队经过艰苦奋斗,群策群力,克服各种困难,使得杂志在2011 年12 月被Pubmed/PubMed Central(PMC) 收录,2013年2月被SCI收录。目前是广东省第一本进入SCI的医学英文期刊,是广州医科大学、广医附一院和广州呼研所的骄傲。《胸部疾病杂志》的出版公司为丁香园旗下的Pioneer Bioscience出版公司,在此特别感谢丁香园出版公司、网络平台各位同道的辛勤奉献和精诚合作。


        《胸部疾病杂志》在创刊之后,仅仅经过三年,一路过关斩将,逐渐得到国际同道认可,编委来自全球胸部疾病研究领域的顶尖专家。本刊现已被SCI、Pubmed Central、Scopus、Embase、CA、Index Copernicus、EBSCO、SCIRUS 、CINAHL等15个国际生物医学数据库和50余所国外知名大学图书馆收录。


Vol 16, No 6 (June 30, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 16, No 5 (May 31, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 16, No 4 (April 30, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 16, No 3 (March 29, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 16, No 2 (February 29, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 16, No 1 (January 30, 2024): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 15, No 12 (December 30, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 11 (November 30, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 10 (October 31, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 9 (September 28, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 8 (August 31, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 7 (July 31, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 6 (June 30, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 5 (May 30, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 4 (April 28, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 3 (March 31, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 2 (February 28, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 15, No 1 (January 31, 2023): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 14, No 12 (December 30, 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 11 (November 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 10 (October 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 9 (September 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 8 (August 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 7 (July 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 6 (June 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 5 (May 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 4 (April 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 3 (March 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 2 (February 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 14, No 1 (January 2022): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 13, No 12 (December 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 11 (November 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 10 (October 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 9 (September 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 8 (August 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, Supplement 1 (August 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease [European Perspectives in Thoracic Surgery (2020) - the Seven Edition]1

Vol 13, No 7 (July 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 6 (June 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 5 (May 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 4 (April 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 3 (March 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 2 (February 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 13, No 1 (January 2021): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 12, No 12 (December 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 11 (November 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 10 (October 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, Supplement 2 (October 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease (the 5th Clinical Update Sleep)

Vol 12, No 9 (September 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 8 (August 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 7 (July 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 6 (June 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 5 (May 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 4 (April 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 3 (March 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 12, No 2 (February 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease [The 4th Ruijin International Thoracic Symposium (RITS 2019): Complex Robotic Thoracic Surgery]

Vol 12, Supplement 1 (February 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Sepsis: Science and Fiction)

Vol 12, No 1 (January 2020): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction)



Vol 11, No 12 (December 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, No 11 (November 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 17 (October 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Advances in Multidisciplinary Care for COPD)

Vol 11, No 10 (October 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, No 9 (September 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 16 (September 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Uniportal VATS Interest Group (UVIG)-Towards Standardization of a Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgical Technique]

Vol 11, Supplement 15 (September 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 14 (September 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (The Advanced Lung Disease: Novel Therapies and Controversies Conference)

Vol 11, No 8 (August 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 13 (August 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Dedicated to the 2018 AATS Focus Meeting on Thoracic Surgery)

Vol 11, Supplement 12 (August 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Esophageal Disease)

Vol 11, No 7 (July 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 11 (July 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (CO2-Derived Variables for Hemodynamic Management in Critically Ill Patients)

Vol 11, No 6 (June 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 10 (June 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation: Not a Technique But a Strategy)

Vol 11, No 5 (May 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 9 (May 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 8 (May 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Operative Repair of Chest Wall Injuries)

Vol 11, No 4 (April 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 7 (April 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease [European Perspectives in Thoracic Surgery (2019)—The Sixth Edition]

Vol 11, Supplement 6 (April 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Mechanical Circulatory Support for Heart and Lung Failure)

Vol 11, Supplement 5 (April 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Improvements in Perioperative Care for Esophagectomy)

Vol 11, No 3 (March 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 4 (March 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Population-based Research and Outcomes Associated with Thoracic Diseases)

Vol 11, Supplement 3 (March 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, No 2 (February 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 2 (February 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Clinical Management of Thoracic Traumas)

Vol 11, No 1 (January 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 11, Supplement 1 (January 2019): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Advances in Theranostic Biomarkers for Lung Cancer: from Clinical to Molecular Pathology)



Vol 10, Supplement 35 (December 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Onco-Cardiology)

Vol 10, No 12 (December 2018): Journal of Thoracic Diseasev

Vol 10, Supplement 34 (December 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Sleep Disordered Breathing and Cardiovascular Disease)

Vol 10, No 11 (November 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 33 (November 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 32 (November 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Enhanced Recovery: The Evidence Supporting Best Perioperative Care in Thoracic Surgery)

Vol 10, Supplement 31 (November 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (The 4th International Uniportal VATS Course)

Vol 10, Supplement 30 (November 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Unmet in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation)

Vol 10, No 10 (October 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 29 (October 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Management of Database)

Vol 10, Supplement 28 (October 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Medical and Surgical Management of Pulmonary Infections)

Vol 10, Supplement 27 (October 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Surgical and Endoscopic Treatment for COPD: Patients Selection, Techniques and Results)

Vol 10, No 9 (September 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 26 (September 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 25 (September 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Dedicated to the 28th International Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS 2018)]

Vol 10, Supplement 24 (September 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Atrial Septal Defect)

Vol 10, Supplement 23 (August 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Lung Volume Reduction)

Vol 10, No 8 (August 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 22 (August 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (The 4th International Joint Meeting on Thoracic Surgery, Barcelona, 2018)

Vol 10, Supplement 21 (August 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Advances in Radiation Oncology for Thoracic Malignancies)

Vol 10, No 7 (July 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 20 (July 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Regenerative Medicine for Heart and Lung)


Vol 10, Supplement 19 (July 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses)

Vol 10, Supplement 18 (July 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, No 6 (June 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 17 (June 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 16 (June 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital Second Thoracic Surgery Symposium)

Vol 10, Supplement 15 (June 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Novel Surgical Techniques for Ventricular Assist Device Implantation)


Vol 10, Supplement 14 (June 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Asia Thoracic Cancer Care Summit 2018 (Part II)]

Vol 10, Supplement 13 (May 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Immunotherapy & Thoracic Cancers)

Vol 10, Supplement 12 (May 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Nutritional Status and Muscle Dysfunction in Chronic Respiratory Disease: Stable Versus Acute Exacerbations)


Vol 10, Supplement 11 (May 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Focused on Enhanced Recovery Pathways in Thoracic Surgery)

Vol 10, No 5 (May 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, No 4 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 10 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Sublobar Resections for Lung Cancer)

Vol 10, Supplement 9 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 10, Supplement 8 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Dedicated to the 26th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery (ESTS 2018)]


Vol 10, Supplement 7 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Early Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer)

Vol 10, Supplement 6 (April 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Asia Thoracic Cancer Care Summit 2018 (Part I)]

Vol 10, No 3 (March 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 5 (March 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Contemporary Issues in Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation)

Vol 10, Supplement 4(March 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease(Enhanced Recovery Pathways in Thoracic Surgery from Italian VATS Group)

Vol 10, No 2 (February 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 3 (February 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer)


Vol 10, No 1 (January 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 10, Supplement 2 (January 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Present and Future of the Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma)


Vol 10, Supplement 1 (January 2018): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Dedicated to the 3rd Clinical Update Sleep: International Conference 2018)







Vol 9, No 12 (December 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, No 11 (November 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Quantitative Imaging of Thoracic Diseases)


Vol 9, Supplement 16 (November 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Dedicated to the 27th International Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS 2017)]


Vol 9, Supplement 15 (November 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Thoracic (Lung & Thymic) Neuroendocrine Tumors]


Vol 9, No 10 (October 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 14 (October 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Abstract Book for the 16th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery)


Vol 9, Supplement 13 (October 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (The Evolving Concept of Liquid Biopsy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients)


Vol 9, Supplement 12 (October 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Pulmonary Metastasectomy)


Vol 9, Supplement 11 (October 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Focused on Lung Cancer Precision Medicine)


Vol 9, No 9 (September 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 10 (September 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Interventional Pulmonology)


Vol 9, No 8 (August 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 9 (August 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds for the Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease)

Vol 9, No 7 (July 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 8 (July 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Esophageal Cancer)


Vol 9, Supplement 7 (June 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Innovations in the management of valvular and structural heart disease)

Vol 9, No 6 (June 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, No 5 (May 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 6 (May 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Aortic Diseases)

Vol 9, Supplement 5 (May 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease (EBUS-TBNA: Results and Perspective)

Vol 9, Supplement 4 (April 2017): (New Imaging and Diagnostic Modalities in Cardiac Surgery)

Vol 9, No 4 (April 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, Supplement 3 (April 2017): Dedicated to the 25th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery (ESTS 2017)

Vol 9, Supplement 2 (March 2017): Advances in Bronchoscopic and Endoscopic Interventions for Thoracic Disease

Vol 9, Supplement 1 (March 2017): Dedicated to the Munich Symposium on Cardiac Development (2016)


Vol 9, No 3 (March 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 9, No 2 (February 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 9, No 1 (January 2017): Journal of Thoracic Disease




Vol 8, No 12 (December 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, No 11 (November 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 11 (November 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Management of Advanced Lung Cancer)
Vol 8, Supplement 10 (November 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting)

Vol 8, No 10 (October 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 9 (October 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Image-Guided Management of Lung Diseases)
Vol 8, No 9 (September 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 8 (August 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Asian Perspectives in Thoracic Surgery)
Vol 8, No 8 (August 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 7 (July 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (dedicated to the Annual Meeting of American Thoracic Society 2016)

Vol 8, Supplement 6 (July 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Management of Pulmonary Nodules)

Vol 8, Supplement 5 (July 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Impact and Influence of Real-Life Respiratory Research - Abstracts from the Respiratory Effectiveness Group 2016 Summit)
Vol 8, No 7 (July 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, No 6 (June 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, No 5 (May 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 4 (April 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease [dedicated to the 24th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery (ESTS 2016)]
Vol 8, No 4 (April 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Thymic Malignancy—Perspectives from the Chinese Alliance for Research in Thymomas (ChART)]
Vol 8, No 3 (March 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 8, Supplement 3 (March 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (dedicated to the 4th Asian Single Port VATS Symposium)
Vol 8, Supplement 2 (March 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Surgery of Airway)

Vol 8, Supplement 1 (February 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Post-operative Care in Thoracic Surgery)
Vol 8, No 2 (February 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease [(dedicated to) the International Conference: Clinical Update Sleep 2016]
Vol 8, No 1 (January 2016): Journal of Thoracic Disease





Vol 7, No 12 (December 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Left Ventricular Assist Devices)

Vol 7, Supplement 4 (December 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease (The Past, Current and Future Development of High Technology Applied in Thoracic Diseases)

Vol 7, Supplement 3 (December 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease [Abstract Book for the 6th International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Annual Meeting (ITMIG 2015)]

Vol 7, No 11 (November 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 7, No 10 (October 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 7, No 9 (September 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 7, No 8 (August 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Respiratory Sleep Disorders)

Vol 7, No 7 (July 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 7, No 6 (June 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Advances and Controversies in Pleural Diseases)

Vol 7, No 5 (May 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 7, No 4 (April 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 7, Supplement 2 (April 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease [dedicated to the 23rd European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery (2015 ESTS)]

Vol 7, No 3 (March 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease




Vol 7, No 1 (January 2015): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Haze, Health and Disease)




Vol 6, No 12 (December 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, No 11 (November 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Vol 6, Supplement 6 (October 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Uniportal VATS)

Vol 6, No 10 (October 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, Supplement 5 (October 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (New Lung Adenocarcinoma Classification)


Vol 6, Supplement 4 (October 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Pneumothorax: From Definition to Diagnosis and Treatment)

Vol 6, No 9 (September 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, No 8 (August 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Heart-Lung Transplntation)

Vol 6, No 7 (July 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, No 6 (June 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, Supplement 3 (May 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Surgery for Esophageal Malignancy)

Vol 6, Supplement 2 (May 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (European Perspectives in Thoracic Surgery

Vol 6, No 5 (May 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, No 4 (April 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Hypo- and hyper-fractionated radiotherapy in NSCLC using cutting-edge technologies)

Vol 6, Supplement 1 (March 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Cardiothoracic diseases closely related from diagnosis to treatment)

Vol 6, No 3 (March 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Crosstalk between the thoracic physician and the surgeon: perspectives on pulmonary infections, malignancy and chest surgery)

Vol 6, No 2 (February 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 6, No 1 (January 2014): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Minimal invasive thoracic surgery)





Vol 5, No 6 (December 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 5, Supplement 6 (November 2013):Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 5, No 5 (October 2013):
Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 5, Supplement 5 (October 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Lung cancer)

Vol 5, Supplement 4 (September 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease(Lung cancer:an update on current and future diagnosti)

Vol 5, Supplement 3 (August 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery)

Vol 5, No 4 (August 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 5, Supplement 2 (August 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Emerging infectious respiratory disease & the 10th anni)
Vol 5, No 3 (June 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 5, Supplement 1 (June 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease (Breast cancer in young woman)
Vol 5, No 2 (April 2013): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 5, No 1 (February 2013):
Journal of Thoracic Disease



Vol 4, No 6 (December 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 4, Supplement 1 (November 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 4, No 5 (October 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 4, No 4 (August 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 4, No 3 (June 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 4, No 2 (April 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 4, No 1 (February 2012): Journal of Thoracic Disease


Vol 3, No 4 (December 2011): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 3, No 3 (September 2011): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 3, No 2 (June 2011): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 3, No 1 (March 2011): Journal of Thoracic Disease



Vol 2, No 4 (December 2010): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 2, No 3 (September 2010): Journal of Thoracic Disease
Vol 2, No 2 (June 2010):
Journal of Thoracic Disease

Vol 2, No 1 (March 2010):
Journal of Thoracic Disease



Vol 1 (December 2009): Journal of Thoracic Disease

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