

   我们评估了从未吸烟的青少年使用电子烟的程度。收集2013-2014年间加利福尼亚州健康儿童调查中的482179例加利福尼亚州初高中学生的电子烟使用情况和相关信息。总的来说,24.4%曾使用过电子烟(13.4%从未使用过烟草,11.0%使用过烟草),12.9%为当前电子烟使用者(5.9%从未使用过烟草)。从未使用过烟草的学生中,与女性和低年级学生相比,男性和高年级学生更易使用电子烟。西班牙裔(比值比 [OR] = 1.60; 可信区间 [CI] = 1.53, 1.67)和其他种族的学生(OR = 1.24; CI = 1.19, 1.29)比白人更易使用电子烟,但是只在他们中有人从未使用过无烟烟草和从未吸烟。在从未吸食烟草的加利福尼亚学生中,特别是西班牙裔和其他种族的学生、男性以及高年级学生中,电子烟使用非常普遍。


(苏欣 审校)
Am J Public Health. 2015 Oct 15:e1-e3. [Epub ahead of print]



E-Cigarette Use Among Never-Smoking California Students.

Bostean G1, Trinidad DR1, McCarthy WJ1.

We determined the extent to which adolescents who have never used tobacco try e-cigarettes. Data on the prevalence and correlates of e-cigarette use among 482 179 California middle and high school students are from the 2013-2014 California Healthy Kids Survey. Overall, 24.4% had ever used e-cigarettes (13.4% have never used tobacco and 11.0% have used tobacco), and 12.9% were current e-cigarette users (5.9% have never used tobacco). Among those who have never used tobacco, males and older students were more likely to use e-cigarettes than females and younger students. Hispanics (odds ratio [OR] = 1.60; confidence interval [CI] = 1.53, 1.67) and those of other races (OR = 1.24; CI = 1.19, 1.29) were more likely than Whites to have ever used e-cigarettes, but only among those who had never used smokeless tobacco and never smoked a whole cigarette. E-cigarette use is very prevalent among California students who have never smoked tobacco, especially among Hispanic and other race students, males, and older students.


Am J Public Health. 2015 Oct 15:e1-e3. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 谁在中国禁烟的公共场所吸烟?来自21座城市的调查
下一篇: 印度尼西亚爪哇岛在校青少年中吸烟的决定性因素
