

   结果:大部分受访者(86.4%)为15—17岁之间(均值=16.4岁;标准差=1.01)。大约一半的学生(48.8%)曾经尝试过吸烟,而29.6%是现时吸烟者。据报道好奇心是尝试香烟的主要原因(32%)。关于当前吸烟的重要因素是态度(校正优势比(AOR)= 2.68)、社会规范(AOR = 12.80)、自我效能感(AOR = 15.85)和可获得性(AOR = 4.39)。


(苏欣 审校)
IntJAdolescMedHealth. 2015Sep11.pii:/j/ijamh.ahead-of-print/ijamh-2015-0036/ijamh-2015-0036.xml.doi:10.1515/ijamh-2015-0036. [Epub ahead of print]



Determinants of cigarette smoking among school adolescents on the island of Java, Indonesia.

Bigwanto M, Mongkolcharti A, Peltzer K, Laosee O.

The Integrated Model of Change has successfully explained the behavior change process. Cigarette smoking is a social phenomenon, which needs to be understood for devising effective preventive strategies.
OBJECTIVES:The study aims to apply the Integrated Model of Change to determine predictive factors of cigarette smoking behavior among school adolescents in Indonesia.
METHODS:A school-based cross-sectional study was designed to collect data in Banten, Indonesia. A total of 698 students from eight high schools were recruited by multi-stage cluster sampling. The association between cigarette smoking and the independent variables was examined by multiple logistic regressions.
RESULTS:The majority of respondents (86.4%) were between the ages of 15 and 17 years (Mean=16.4 years; SD=1.01). Approximately half (48.8%) of the students ever tried a cigarette while 29.6% were current smokers. Curiosity was reported as the main reason for experimenting with cigarettes (32%). The significant factors regarding current cigarette smoking were attitude [adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=2.68], social norms (AOR=12.80), self-efficacy (AOR=15.85), and accessibility (AOR=4.39).
CONCLUSION:The study revealed social influence and self-efficacy that were strongly associated with cigarette smoking can help authorities in guiding possible intervention programs for school adolescents.


IntJAdolescMedHealth. 2015Sep11.pii:/j/ijamh.ahead-of-print/ijamh-2015-0036/ijamh-2015-0036.xml.doi:10.1515/ijamh-2015-0036. [Epub ahead of print]



上一篇: 加利福尼亚州从不吸烟学生中的电子烟使用情况
下一篇: 个体和区域因素对中国城镇居民家庭吸烟限制的影响
