

   背景和目的: 中国医院胸科医生发起了戒烟干预建议,但与其相关的影响因素尚不明确。笔者就医生的吸烟危害认知程度及其对戒烟建议的影响进行了评价。
   方法: 在2011年7月~8月354例来自中国广州医院胸科医生中进行的一项人群随机横断面调查研究。
   结果: 在回答了问卷调查的医生(n=354, 92%)中,有63.8%的医生知道吸烟的危害,64.5%的医生向他们的患者发起了戒烟计划。医生认知程度的差异取决于其所在医院的等级(χ2 =54.7, P>0.001),例如:初级医院44.9%、二级医院55.1%、三级医院87.0%,(优势比OR=1.732, 95%CI: [1.072-2.797], P<0.05)。认知差的医生处方戒烟药物也少(χ2 =137.71, P<0.001)。医生的戒烟实践也与医院等级相关(χ2 =5.7, P>0.001),优势比(OR= 4.074, 95%CI: [1.399-11.860], P=0.010)。医生的吸烟情况与戒烟实践相关。
   结论: 医生对于吸烟危害健康的认知越好,就会给予越多的戒烟建议。认知程度与医院等级和吸烟情况相关。医生的戒烟建议与他们的吸烟情况和教育背景相关,但是与医院等级、部门、职位无关。 


                                                                  (林江涛 审校)
Respirology. 2013 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/resp.12091. [Epub ahead of print]


Association between awareness of harmful effects of smoking and smoking cessation advice provided by hospital chest physicians in Guangzhou, China: A multi-institutional cross-sectional survey.

Tang Y, Jiang M, Li DR, Guan WJ, Liang YH, Li SY, Zheng JP, Chen RC, Zhong NS.

It is unknown which factors are associated with smoking cessation interventions initiated by hospital chest physicians in China. We examined physicians' awareness of negative effects of smoking on smoking cessation advice given.
METHODS: A cluster randomized cross-sectional survey was conducted from July to August 2011 in hospital chest physicians (n=354) in Guangzhou, China.
RESULTS: Of those who responded (n=354, 92%), 63.8% were aware of negative effects of smoking and 64.5% initiated smoking cessation programs with their patients. Awareness differed among physicians depending on their hospital affiliation (χ2 =54.7, P>0.001), i.e., primary (44.9%), secondary (55.1%) and tertiary hospitals (87.0%), (OR=1.732, 95%CI: [1.072-2.797], P<0.05). Physicians with less awareness prescribed smoking cessation medication less frequently (χ2 =137.71, P<0.001).Smoking cessation practice by physicians also depended on hospital affiliation (χ2 =5.7, P>0.001), odds ratio (OR= 4.074, 95%CI: [1.399-11.860], P=0.010). Smoking status of physicians was related to smoking cessation practice.
CONCLUSIONS: Physicians more aware of the health hazards of smoking provided more smoking cessation advice. Awareness correlated with hospital levels and smoking status. Physician's advice correlated with their smoking status and educational background, but not with the levels of hospital, position or department affiliation.


Respirology. 2013 Apr 1. doi: 10.1111/resp.12091. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 对短信支持戒烟的态度:一项针对吸烟者孕妇的定性研究
下一篇: 被强迫禁止吸烟:不足以戒烟
