


    采用鸦片样肽治疗的患者及工作人员常常担心戒烟会危及戒毒效果。本试验旨在评价2周应急管理(CM)后出现的戒烟是否与鸦片样肽维持治疗患者再次吸毒有关。处于稳定期的鸦片样肽维持治疗患者入选本项为期14天的戒烟研究,这些患者已经戒毒。参与者分为戒烟组(> 90%样本吸烟检测为阴性, n=12)和吸烟组(< 10%样本吸烟检测为阴性, n=16)。毒品分析包括鸦片、羟考酮、丙氧芬、安非他明、可卡因和苯二氮卓类药物。戒烟组和吸烟组两者无显著差异,上述非法药物分别在99%96%的样本中检测结果为阴性。


(刘国梁 审校)

Dunn KE, et al. J Drug Issues. 2009 Apr;39(2):313-328



Effects of Smoking Cessation on Illicit Drug Use among Opioid Maintenance Patients: A Pilot Study.


Dunn KE, Sigmon SC, Reimann E, Heil SH, Higgins ST.

Department of Psychology, University of Vermont.



Opioid treatment program patients and staff often have concerns that smoking cessation may jeopardize abstinence from illicit drug use. In this study, we evaluated whether smoking abstinence produced with a two-week contingency-management (CM) intervention was associated with relapse to illicit drug use among patients enrolled in opioid maintenance. Opioid-maintenance patients who were stable in treatment and abstinent from illicit drugs were enrolled in a 14-day smoking-cessation study. Participants were dichotomized into Abstainers (> 90% smoking-negative samples, n=12) and Smokers (< 10% smoking-negative samples, n=16). Illicit drug assays included opioids, oxycodone, propoxyphene, cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine and benzodiazepines. There were no differences between the Abstainers and Smokers, with 99% and 96% of samples testing negative for all illicit drugs in each group, respectively. Data from this study provide no evidence that smoking cessation among stable opioid-maintained patients undermines drug abstinence and lend support for programs that encourage smoking cessation during drug abuse treatment.



上一篇: 建筑工人恶性肿瘤预防干预中的多重健康行为变化,2001-2003
下一篇: 戒烟后痰液基质金属蛋白酶9持续6个月增加
