

   研究结果:课程提高了烟民对有效戒烟治疗和无效戒烟治疗的认识。结果显示课程接受度优异:90%以上的参与者将会向其他烟民推荐CTQ课程;课程可行性良好:6期全程课程的完成率为53%,3期短程完成率为75%。全程和短程课程后意向戒烟率分别为19%和 17%(全程和短程课程完成者的戒烟率分别为36%和22%)。在完成课程的烟民中,戒烟药物的使用与高戒烟率相关。这一干预措施无种族间差异:非洲裔美国人与白人的课程完成率及戒烟率相同。成功戒烟的预测因素为戒烟意向性高且使用戒烟药物。


(刘国梁 审校)
Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep;104Suppl 4:S620-7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302097.



Feasibility and effectiveness of a community-based smoking cessation intervention in a racially diverse, urban smoker cohort.

Asvat Y1, Cao D, Africk JJ, Matthews A, King A.

We evaluated the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness, in addition to the effects of a psychoeducation-based orientation on smoking cessation knowledge for Courage to Quit (CTQ), an evidence-based smoking cessation intervention disseminated to racially diverse, urban community sites in Chicago, Illinois.
METHODS:Smokers (n = 1494; 55% African American) enrolled in 6-session full (n = 945) or 3-session short (n = 549) versions of CTQ in 2008 to 2012.
RESULTS:Orientation improved knowledge of efficacious and nonefficacious treatments. Acceptability was outstanding: more than 90% of participants would recommend CTQ. Feasibility was good: completion rates were 53% in the full and 75% in the short programs. Intent-to-treat quit rates were 19% in the full and 17% in the short programs (completer quit rates were 36% and 22%, respectively). Among completers, smoking cessation medication use was associated with higher quit rates. There were no racial disparities: African Americans and Whites showed similar completion and quit rates. Predictors of successful quitting were higher readiness to quit and smoking cessation medication use.
CONCLUSIONS:CTQ is moderately successful in the short term as delivered in community-based settings for urban-dwelling, largely minority smokers. Further evaluation of longer-term outcomes and cost effectiveness is warranted.


Am J Public Health. 2014 Sep;104Suppl 4:S620-7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302097.

上一篇: 嚼槟榔在台湾工人戒烟中的作用
下一篇: 参加行为支持计划不只是因为想要戒烟:为何一些贫困烟民定期参加戒烟治疗而其他人则不是:一项定性研究
