

   结果:戒断率为15-29%,但随时间变化,不同组之间的戒断率无显著差异。受雇者、戒烟期望较高者和情绪紊乱评分较低者更有可能获得戒断(p < 0.01)。每次评价之前的24 h,参与者的吸烟量随时间显著下降(p < 0.001)。


 (林江涛 审校)
Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 Feb 19. [Epub ahead of print]


A Randomized Clinical Trial of Smoking Cessation Treatments Provided in HIV Clinical Care Settings.
Humfleet GL, Hall SM, Delucchi KL, Dilley JW.

Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, CA.

Identifying successful smoking treatment interventions and methods of delivery is critical given the smoking rates among HIV-positive populations and the medical implications of smoking in this population. This study compared the efficacy of 3 smoking cessation interventions provided in HIV clinical treatment settings.
METHODS: Following a baseline assessment, 209 HIV-positive smokers were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions in a parallel group design. Treatment conditions were individual counseling plus nicotine replacement treatment (NRT), a computer-based Internet smoking treatment plus NRT, and self-help plus NRT. Smoking status was determined at follow-up assessments completed at 12, 24, 36, and 52 weeks following treatment initiation.
RESULTS: Cessation rates ranged from 15% to 29%; however, no statistically significant differences inabstinence were found among the treatment conditions over time. Those employed, those who reported a greater desire to quit, or those with lower mood disturbance scores were more likely to achieve abstinence (p < .01). The number of cigarettes participants reported smoking in the 24hr prior to each assessment significantly declined over time (p < .001).
CONCLUSIONS: Although we found no differences in abstinence rates across groups, the results indicate that integration of smoking cessation interventions is feasible in HIV clinical treatment settings, and cessation results are promising. The overall abstinence rates we report are comparable to those found in similar treatment studies across multiple populations. Further research is warranted.

Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 Feb 19. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 在初级医疗机构的戒烟临床试验中,尼古丁替代治疗的依从性和使用情况以及其与戒断的关系
下一篇: 肺部疾病患者的戒烟措施
