


    本项回顾性研究旨在团体治疗中,采用单变量和多变量模型,评价戒烟患者的流行病学特征及其对戒烟的影响。共计123名患者入选本研究。平均年龄为53+/-11岁。67%患者为女性。研究结束时,有66%的患者停止吸烟。12个月后仅39%的患者仍然处于持续戒断状态。治疗结束后6个月(P = .02-R.R. = 1.49, C.I. 95%: 1.06-2.44)12个月(P = .03-R.R. = 1.37, C.I. 95%: 1.02-2.52),年龄小于50岁的患者更倾向于复吸。戒烟中,自信心不足与治疗6个月后持续吸烟显著相关(P = .016-R.R. = 1.84, C.I. 95%: 1.14-2.99)。对治疗项目依从性较差与6个月(P = .006-R.R. = 1.76, C.I. 95%: 1.32-2.35)12个月(P = .050-R.R. = 1.45, C.I. 95%: 1.11-1.88)后持续吸烟显著相关,治疗结束后6个月的此项相关性也得到了Logistic回归模型的证实(P = .013)


(刘国梁 审校)
Marino MG
, et al. J Environ Public Health.
2010;2010:183206. Epub 2010 Apr 13.



Epidemiologic Determinants Affecting Cigarette Smoking Cessation: A Retrospective Study in a National Health System (SSN) Treatment Service in Rome (Italy).


Marino MG, Fusconi E, Magnatta R, Panà A, Maurici M.

Department of Public Health, University of Roma Tor Vergata, via Montpellier 1, 00133 Roma, Italy.



This retrospective study aims to evaluate epidemiologic characteristics of patients attending stop smoking courses, based on group therapy, testing their influence on smoking cessation in univariate and multivariate model. A total of 123 patients were included in this study. Mean age was 53 (+/-11). Sixty-seven percent were women. At the end of the courses 66% of patients stopped smoking, after 12 months only 39% remained abstinent. Patients younger than 50 years statistically tended to continue smoking 6 months (P = .02-R.R. = 1.49, C.I. 95%: 1.06-2.44) and 12 months (P = .03-R.R. = 1.37, C.I. 95%: 1.02-2.52) after the end of the courses. A low self-confidence in quitting smoking was significantly related to continuing tobacco consumption after 6 months (P = .016-R.R. = 1.84, C.I. 95%: 1.14-2.99). Low adherence to therapeutic program was statistically associated to maintenance of tobacco use at 6 months (P = .006-R.R. = 1.76, C.I. 95%: 1.32-2.35) and 12 months (P = .050-R.R. = 1.45, C.I. 95%: 1.11-1.88). This association was confirmed at 6 months in the analysis performed on logistic regression model (P = .013).




上一篇: 关于中国6个城市成人吸烟者中,与戒烟意向相关的个体因素:来自中国ITC调查的结果
下一篇: 全科医疗机构中的不同简单戒烟干预措施的戒烟效果预测因素和调节因素
