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(陈欣 审校)
Valerio MA, Gong ZM, Wang S, et al.
Womens Health Issues. 2009 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print]

Overweight Women and Management of Asthma
Valerio MA, Gong ZM, Wang S, Bria WF, Johnson TR, Clark NM.
Health Behavior & Health Education, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
PURPOSE: We sought to describe clinical and psychosocial characteristics of overweight women with asthma.
METHODS: Telephone interview and medical record review involving 808 women with asthma participating in a randomized study to identify those who were overweight. We assessed the relationship of their weight to asthma symptoms, health care use, quality of life, self-esteem, need for social support, and demographic characteristics. Regression analyses were used to investigate relationships between overweight and asthma.
FINDINGS: Sixty-eight percent of the women in the study were overweight or obese. Demographic characteristics associated with overweight in women with asthma included being minority (p=.000), having a lower education level (p=.000), and a lower household income (p=.024). Overweight was associated with greater health care use, comorbidities (acid reflux, urinary incontinence), and persistent disease (p=.001). Overweight women exhibited lower self-esteem (p=.002) and lower perceived quality of life (p=.000).
CONCLUSION: Overweight females with asthma experience significant challenges because of their weight, more persistent and severe disease, specific comorbidities, and lower rates of obtaining psychosocial resources. Clinical consultations and interventions should account for the influence of overweight on asthma control and health status in female patients.

上一篇: 肥胖、腰围及哮喘患病率趋势-加利福尼亚教师队列研究
下一篇: 母亲孕期哮喘的控制和严重程度与其后代过敏性皮炎和过敏性鼻炎发生率的关系
