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    美国University of Rochester Medical Center 的Golisano 儿童医院Kelly M. Conn大夫及同事,通过流行病学调查发现,74%的城市哮喘患儿每日屏幕前观看节目时间(电视机、游戏机、计算机)超过了美国儿科医师学会所推荐的2小时/日,平均为3.4小时/日,而观看过长时间的电视节目,有可能对导致行为异常、注意力分散、影响到课率以及导致肥胖。研究建议患儿家长给患儿提供其他活动如阅读、画画、棋类等娱乐形式,尤其是患儿出现体力活动受限时,应及时与医务人员联系。        
               (蔡闯 广州医学院第一附属医院 广州呼吸疾病研究所 510120摘译)
    (Academic Pediatrics,更名自 Ambulatory Pediatrics. 2009 ; 9:60-63)
Screen Time Use Among Urban Children With Asthma
Kelly M. Conn, MPH; Telva Hernandez, BA; Pamela Puthoor, MD;
Maria Fagnano, MPH; Jill S. Halterman, MD, MPH
Objective: To describe screen time use and factors related to screen time among urban children with persistent asthma.
Methods: We analyzed data for 224 children (aged 3 to 10 years) with persistent asthma. Parents reported on children’s asthma severity, screen time use, and family practices regarding screen time. We asked parents: ‘‘On weekdays [and weekends]
on average, over a 24-hour period, how many hours of screen time does your child have?’’ Parents also reported activity limitation due to asthma, and activities their child engaged in during times of activity limitation.
Results: Most children were male (58%), black (65%), and had Medicaid (74%); average screen time was 3.4 hours per day. Most parents (74%) reported that their child had >2 hours of screen time per day, and one-third were concerned that their child had too much screen time. Many children (63%) engaged in screen
time activities during activity limitation due to asthma. Children who needed to slow down or stop normal activity due to asthma had more screen time compared with children who didn’t need to slow down (3.51 hours vs 2.44 hours, P=0.02). Additionally, children who engaged in screen time activities during times of
physical limitation had more screen time compared with children who engaged in other activities (3.67 hours vs 2.99 hours, P =0.01).
Conclusions: We found that urban children with asthma, particularly those with activity limitation, have excessive use of screen time. Strategies are needed to avoid activity limitation by improving asthma care and to empower families with alternative
strategies to avoid excess screen time.

上一篇: 中国男性和女性肥胖、血脂水平和变应性致敏
下一篇: 长期使用吸入性糖皮质激素增加慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者发生肺炎的风险
