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    研究发现:随着室外游泳时间的增加,既往和现有哮喘的发生率均明显升高。在经常游泳和较少游泳的青少年中,室外游泳可使哮喘的发病率升高8倍或4倍。在血清IgE >25 kIU·L–1的青少年中,哮喘的发病率明显升高。而游泳时间每增加100小时,IgE平均升高1~2单位。在家庭室外游泳池中游泳能增加呼出气NO水平并提高对猫或尘螨等的敏感性。
(韩伟 青岛大学医学院附属青岛市市立医院呼吸科 266071 摘译)
(Eur Respir J 2008; 32:979-988)
Eur Respir J 2008; 32:979-988
Outdoor swimming pools and the risks of asthma and allergies during adolescence
A. Bernard, M. Nickmilder and C. Voisin
Keywords: Aeroallergens, atopy, childhood asthma, exercise-induced asthma, exhaled nitric oxide, total immunoglobulin E
Exposure to indoor chlorinated swimming pools can be detrimental to the airways of swimmers and increase asthma risks but it is unknown whether these effects concern outdoor pools.
The present study examined 847 secondary school adolescents who had attended residential or nonresidential outdoor chlorinated pools at a variable rate. The main outcomes were: ever asthma (physician-diagnosed at any time); current asthma (ever asthma under medication and/or with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction); elevated exhaled nitric oxide; and aeroallergen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E in serum.
The prevalence of ever and current asthma significantly increased with the lifetime number of hours spent in outdoor pools by up to four and eight times, respectively, among adolescents with the highest attendance (>500 h) and a low exposure to indoor pools (<250 h). Odds for asthma were significantly increased among adolescents with total serum IgE >25 kIU·L–1, on average by 1–2 units for each 100-h increase in pool attendance. Use of residential outdoor pools was also associated with higher risks of elevated exhaled nitric oxide and sensitisation to cat or house dust mite allergens.
Outdoor chlorinated swimming pool attendance is associated with higher risks of asthma, airways inflammation and some respiratory allergies.

上一篇: 鼻炎和哮喘发病:一项纵向人群研究
下一篇: 宫内胚胎时期接触农作物有利于预防哮喘、干草热和湿疹
