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    研究者对16例哮喘患者(7男)分别给予为期5周的安慰剂或环索奈德(320mg,每天1次)治疗,并对以下小气道功能参数进行评估:FEF25-75%、PC20AMP和PC20MCh时FVC下降率(%)、MCh激发后呼气量(CT扫描测定)、单次呼吸氮气闭合气量和肺泡呼出气一氧化氮(eNO)等。结果7例患者接受安慰剂治疗,9例接受环索奈德治疗。治疗结束后,接受环索奈德治疗患者的MCh激发后呼气量和肺泡eNO较治疗前明显增加,分别为59 mL (1569 - 117)和4.4 ppb (1.4 - 54.8);而安慰剂治疗组二者却较治疗前有所下降,分别为-121 mL (20 to -236)和 -0.4 ppb (7.3 to -3.4) ,两组比较有统计学意义(p<0.05)。但对其他小气道功能指标,环索奈德治疗未有显著改变。 

                      (韩伟 青岛大学附属青岛市立医院东院呼吸科266071 摘译)  
                            (Eur. Respir. J., Jun 2008; 31: 1213 - 1220.) 

Ciclesonide improves measures of small airway involvement in asthma. 
Cohen J, Rob Douma W, Ten Hacken NH, Vonk JM, Oudkerk M, Postma DS. 

Ciclesonide is delivered as a small-particle inhaled corticosteroid and improves lung function and airway hyperresponsiveness.To assess whether ciclesonide can specifically improve small airway function in asthma.Sixteen mild-to-moderate asthma patients (7 males, median age 39 (range 19-56) years, FEV1%predicted 89% (range 62-120)) were randomized to 5-week treatment with placebo or 320 microg ciclesonide once daily. The following small airway parameters were assessed: FEF25-75%, percentage fall in FVC at PC20adenosine-’5-monophosphate (AMP) and at PC20methacholine (MCh), expiratory lung volume after MCh challenge on Computed Tomography (CT) scan, Single Breath N2 closing volume, and alveolar exhaled Nitric Oxide (eNO).Seven subjects received placebo, nine ciclesonide.  
Both CT measurements of expiratory lung volume after MCh challenge and alveolar eNO decreased significantly more with ciclesonide, median (range) 4.4 ppb (1.4-54.8) and 59 mL (1569 to -117) respectively, than with placebo, -0.4 ppb (7.3 to -3.4) and -121 mL (20 to -236) respectively. Ciclesonide did not significantly improve other small airways parameters.Inflammation and patency of small airways, reflected by alveolar eNO and air trapping on CT scan, both improve with ciclesonide even in this small number of patients. This indicates that ciclesonide exerts anti-inflammatory effects on small airways.

上一篇: 低钠饮食是否可改善哮喘控制?
下一篇: 回顾NAEPP关于哮喘的诊断和治疗指南2007年的第三次专家组报告(EPR-3)
