

    设计:采用logistic回归分析和方差分析法对3项临床戒烟治疗随机试验的相关数据(N = 739)进行分析。主要结果检测工具为:同伴互动问卷调查表(PIQ; Cohen & Lichtenstein, 1990),并根据7天时点戒烟率来检测吸烟相关的社会支持和吸烟状态。
(刘国梁 审校)
Lawhon D, Humfleet GL, Hall SM, et al.
Health Psychol. 2009 Jul;28(4):465-72.
Longitudinal analysis of abstinence-specific social support and smoking cessation.
Lawhon D, Humfleet GL, Hall SM, Muñoz RF, Reus VI.
Department of Psychiatry, University of California.
Objectives: (1) To replicate previous research finding that abstinence-specific social support during the active phase of quitting predicts short- and long-term smoking cessation treatment outcome. (2) To describe time-related changes in abstinence-specific support, including how support provided during middle and later phases of the quitting process is associated with treatment outcome.
Design: Combined data from three randomized clinical trials of smoking cessation treatment (N = 739) were analyzed using logistic regression and analysis of variance. Main Outcome Measures: Measures included the Partner Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ; Cohen & Lichtenstein, 1990), a measure of smoking-related social support, and smoking status according to 7-day point-prevalence abstinence.
Results: Longitudinal analyses found that positive support peaked at week 12, decreasing thereafter. Positive support provided after week 12 did not differentiate between those who never quit smoking, those who quit and relapsed, and those who maintained abstinence. In contrast, negative support was monotonic and was useful at follow-up points for distinguishing between outcome groups.
Conclusion: These results suggest that positive and negative support are both important factors in the early phase of quitting, but it is the continued minimization of negative support that best predicts maintenance of nonsmoking.

上一篇: 运动咨询干预在女性抑郁烟民中的可行性
下一篇: 对抑郁的女性吸烟者进行运动咨询干预的可行性
