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(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 李春晓 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.10.012)

Tobacco exposure and efficacy of biologic therapy in patients with severe asthma: A nationwide study from the Danish Severe Asthma Register
M. B. Soendergaard, S. Hansen, A. S. Bjerrum, A. von Bulow, K. E. Julius Haakansson, O. Hilberg, et al.
BACKGROUND:Randomized trials of biologics in severe, uncontrolled asthma have excluded patients with a cumulative tobacco exposure of more than 10 pack years. Therefore, our knowledge of the impact of smoking exposure on the clinical effects of biologics in severe asthma remains incomplete. However, since many patients with asthma are current or former smokers, investigating the potential impacts of tobacco exposure on the effects of biological treatment is clinically important.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of smoking history and tobacco exposure on the effectiveness of biologic therapy in real-life patients with severe asthma.
METHOD: We utilized data from a complete nationwide cohort of patients with severe asthma on biologics, the Danish Severe Asthma Register (DSAR). We divided patients according to smoking history and cumulative tobacco exposure and analysed data at baseline and after 12 months of biological treatment.
RESULT:A total of 724 bio-naive patients were identified in DSAR, of whom 398 (55%) were never smokers, 316 (44%) were previous smokers, and 10 (1%) were current smokers. Within the group of current and former smokers, 37% had 1-9 pack years of tobacco exposure, 26% had 10-19 pack years, and 37% had >/=20 pack years of tobacco exposure. Patients with tobacco exposure had similar reductions in the number of exacerbations, reductions in maintenance oral corticosteroid use, and improvements in asthma symptoms compared to patients with zero pack years.
CONCLUSION:Former smoking history and lifetime tobacco exposure do not impact the efficacy of biologics in patients with severe asthma.

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