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(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 顾宪民 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1007/s12016-021-08894-x.)

Different Phenotypes in Asthma: Clinical Findings and Experimental Animal Models
Luiz Otávio Lourenço, Alessandra Mussi Ribeiro, Fernanda Degobbi Tenório Quirino Dos Santos Lopes, Iolanda de Fátima Lopes Calvo Tibério, Wothan Tavares-de-Lima, Carla Máximo Prado
Asthma is a respiratory allergic disease presenting a high prevalence worldwide, and it is responsible for several complications throughout life, including death. Fortunately, asthma is no longer recognized as a unique manifestation but as a very heterogenic manifestation. Its phenotypes and endotypes are known, respectively, as pathologic and molecular features that might not be directly associated with each other. The increasing number of studies covering this issue has brought significant insights and knowledge that are constantly expanding. In this review, we intended to summarize this new information obtained from clinical studies, which not only allowed for the creation of patient clusters by means of personalized medicine and a deeper molecular evaluation, but also created a connection with data obtained from experimental models, especially murine models. We gathered information regarding sensitization and trigger and emphasizing the most relevant phenotypes and endotypes, such as Th2-high asthma and Th2-low asthma, which included smoking and obesity-related asthma and mixed and paucigranulocytic asthma, not only in physiopathology and the clinic but also in how these phenotypes can be determined with relative similarity using murine models. We also further investigated how clinical studies have been treating patients using newly developed drugs focusing on specific biomarkers that are more relevant according to the patient's clinical manifestation of the disease.

上一篇: 大规模激发研究发现,对普遍存在的空气过敏原适应不良与严重过敏性鼻结膜炎及哮喘相关
下一篇: 体力活动在哮喘学龄前儿童哮喘控制中的作用及其免疫调节作用
