

   对吸烟的心脏病患者而言,戒烟是改善他们预后的最有效的行动,但超过一半的心脏病患者住院后继续吸烟。本研究探讨心脏病患者行动计划、应对计划和自我效能对戒烟意愿和戒烟行动的影响。心脏病患者完成了基线问卷调查(N= 245),来评估人口学特征、吸烟行为、意向、自我效能感、复发自我效能感、行动和应对计划。六个月后(N=184)评估是否继续戒烟。评估戒烟的自我效能,来预测戒烟意图,并通过意图间接预测是否会继续戒烟。戒烟意图和制定行动计划直接影响继续戒烟。在心脏病人中,未来加速戒烟的干预措施应重点放在提高自我效能感和制定具体的行动计划来增加戒烟的可能性。
(苏欣 审校)
Health EducRes. 2016 Jun;31(3):350-62. doi: 10.1093/her/cyv100. Epub 2016 Jan 30.

Smoking cessation in cardiac patients: the influence of action plans, coping plans and self-efficacy on quittingsmoking.

de Hoog N1, Bolman C2, Berndt N3, Kers E2, Mudde A2, de Vries H4, Lechner L2.
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Smoking cessation is the most effective action for cardiac patients who smoke to improve their prognosis, yet more than one-half of cardiac patients continue to smoke after hospital admission. This study examined the influence of action plans, coping plans and self-efficacy on intention to quit and smoking cessation in cardiac patients. Cardiac patients completed a baseline questionnaire (N = 245) assessing demographic characteristics, smoking behavior, intention, self-efficacy, relapse self-efficacy and action and coping plans. Six months later (N = 184) continued abstinence from smoking was assessed. Self-efficacy predicted intention to quit smoking and was an indirect predictor of continued abstinence, through intention. Intention to quit smoking and making action plans both directly influenced continued abstinence. Future interventions to facilitatesmoking cessation in cardiac patients should put strong emphasis on enhancing self-efficacy and on making specific action plans to increase the likelihood of smoking cessation.
Health EducRes. 2016 Jun;31(3):350-62. doi: 10.1093/her/cyv100. Epub 2016 Jan 30.

上一篇: 在中国,手机短信干预戒烟的疗效研究(“快乐戒烟”)
下一篇: 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者戒烟的新工具—一项尝试戒烟问卷的观察性纵向研究
