

   结果:产后ETS暴露和产前产后ETS双暴露与儿童行为问题显著相关。出生前后暴露在ETS下的儿童情绪失常现象(内在化问题)和ETS暴露相关,比值比OR为1.72(95% 可信区间 (CI)= 1.36-2.17),然而仅出生后暴露的病例OR约为1.38(95%可信区间= 1.12-1.69)。产前和产后均暴露在ETS环境下儿童的异常行为问题(外化问题)与ETS暴露显著相关, OR值为1.94 (95%可信区间= 1.51-2.50),然而仅产后暴露的病例OR值约为1.47 (95%可信区间=1.17-1.84)。性别、研究中心、种族、儿童年龄、父母低教育、医生诊断为哮喘、兄弟姐妹、早产和单亲家庭等的影响被校正。


(苏欣 审校)
PLoS One. 2015 Aug5;10(8):e0133604.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133604.eCollection 2015.



Postnatal Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure Related to Behavioral Problems in Children.

Chastang J1, Baïz N2, Cadwalladder JS3, Robert S3, Dywer J4, Charpin DA5, Caillaud D6, de Blay F7, Raherison C8, Lavaud F9, Annesi-Maesano I2.

The purpose of this study was to examine the association between pre and post environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure and behavioral problems in schoolchildren.
METHODS:In the cross-sectional 6 cities Study conducted in France, 5221 primary school children were investigated. Pre- and postnatal exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke at home was assessed using a parent questionnaire. Child's behavioral outcomes (emotional symptoms and conduct problems) were evaluated by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) completed by the parents.
RESULTS:ETS exposure during the postnatal period and during both pre- and postnatal periods was associated with behavioral problems in children. Abnormal emotional symptoms (internalizing problems) were related to ETS exposure in children who were exposed during the pre- and postnatal periods with an OR of 1.72 (95% Confidence Interval (CI)= 1.36-2.17), whereas the OR was estimated to be 1.38 (95% CI= 1.12-1.69) in the case of postnatal exposure only. Abnormal conduct problems (externalizing problems) were related to ETS exposure in children who were exposed during the pre- and postnatal periods with an OR of 1.94 (95% CI= 1.51-2.50), whereas the OR was estimated to be 1.47 (95% CI=1.17-1.84) in the case of postnatal exposure only. Effect estimates were adjusted for gender, study center, ethnic origin, child age, low parental education, current physician diagnosed asthma, siblings, preterm birth and single parenthood.
CONCLUSION:Postnatal ETS exposure, alone or in association with prenatal exposure, increases the risk of behavioral problems in school-age children.


PLoS One. 2015 Aug5;10(8):e0133604.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133604.eCollection 2015.


上一篇: 吸烟、戒烟和牙齿缺失的风险:EPIC-波茨坦研究
下一篇: 少数民族与非少数民族哮喘儿童的二手烟暴露情况的比较
